remarkable of the German exhibits on Columbia Avenue in the
Manufactures Building, was the Porcelain Porch of Professor A. Kips,
of Berlin, some portion of which is shown in the engraving. This
vast structure in pottery gave a framework to the paintings on tile,
the vases, and the chinaware that were here displayed in rich
profusion. The steps approached two inner rooms behind the tile
paintings usually closed to the public. The wrought iron balustrades
were in keeping with the beautiful fencing of
the German Section, and
placques, Saracen pillars, tablets, bas-reliefs, mirrors and
balustrades gave the structure a sufficent architectural dignity.
Great crowds continually stood before this work, or at the hours in
which the public was permitted to ascend the steps, passed through
the ball-room ceiled, walled and floored with white porcelain, and
into the dining-room, where the elegance and beauty of artistic
porcelain were displayed on white linen, garnished with glistening
silver. The stairway at each side was flanked by a rich vase on a
great pedestal, and the value of this work may be instantly
determined. Behind this vase is the north
alcove of the Porch,
holding centrally a small mirror in a highly carved porcelain frame.
Crowning this niche, and rising over the balustrade, is a porcelain
placque of the late Emperor Frederick - "Unser Fritz." |