The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  SONG OF THE LARK - By Jules Breton. This oil painting by the celebrated French painter, who is now sixty-seven years old, is the property of Mrs. Henry Field, of Chicago, and was loaned to the United States collection. It hung on the south wall of Gallery 41, in the east annex of the Art Palace. We have previously illustrated Breton's "Young Girls Going to the Procession," which was exhibited in the French Section close at hand.

THE MAN WITH THE HOE - By J. F. Millet. The leader of the Barbizon school, whose "Angelus" startled the world upon its sale to America and repurchase by France, after payment of a tax of some $30,000, was represented at Chicago by six of his pictures of peasants and one of his earlier works, named "After The Bath," which demonstrated his ability to paint the nude with all the sensuousness of Bougereau. Had Millet continued to delineate these nude figures, as Delaroche taught him to do, he need not have suffered for potatoes and onions, which he could not earn with the canvases that are now valued so highly by the people who possess them. The ancient painters wrought saintdom on these subjects by means of the aureole, halo and nimbus. On Millet's peasants there is an emanation of light, and these scenes in the field shine so that neighboring pictures look dull and shadowy, no matter how high their conventional lights. It was the influence of his grandmother, Louise Jumetin, that led Millet to forsake the nude in art.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998