conspicuous object on Columbia Avenue in the Manufactures Building was the Clock-Tower,
which is seen at the left of the engraving. It was erected by a
self-winding clock manufacturer, and was operated in connection with
the Western Union Telegraph Company. There were passageways
underneath in both main directions, and the northern region of the
building, or United States Section, may be seen through its arch at
the right of the avenue. The dials were four in number, and measured
seven feet in diameter. At each quarter-hour a series of chimes was
struck which filled the building with festive sounds. At the right
of the tower rises the column which surmounted the Tiffany and Gorham
exhibits, the most creditable of the American displays in their
department. In these pavilions the diamonds, the silver statue of
Columbus, and the model Cathedral chancel and altar redeemed America
from utter defeat in the concourse of nations. The magnificent
facade of the French Section here shows its main portal, with
Folguere's Statue of the French Republic
at the entrance. This construction of twenty-six arches was erected
under the supervision of Chief of Installation Mascart. The
caryatides bearing the cornice, as seen at the right, were present
along both main outer aisles, and beyond each arch was a drawing room
displaying the finest household goods of which France could boast.
The many alcoves within, and their contents, made a profound
impression on all visitors. |