The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  THE STATUE OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC - At the edge of Columbia Avenue, the street of nations in the Manufactures Building - a thoroughfare, under roof, that had many resemblances to Midway Plaisance - a short distance south of the central clock-tower, on the east side, as the visitor entered by the main portal of the French facade, he came directly upon the heroic statue which is portrayed in the engraving. It was cast in the bluish bronze which is favored by the sculptors of northern Europe, and represented France commanding, by moral force, the respect of the world for the Rights of Man, but prepared by the sword she held in reverse to protect that sacred ordinance, which was written on the tablet in her arms. Few patriots saw this noble monument without sentiments of gratitude to the nation which confirmed Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Monroe and James Madison in their love of liberty, equality, and fraternity, and by the tragedies of a century liberated mankind from the seignorial rights of the middle ages. To see the French Republic freed from the veto-power, ruled by representatives elected by the people, and responsible to them; and to see that people, the makers of this most splendid exhibit, so true to the principles that have been the dream of poets and philosophers since Buddha - these things, seen in Chicago by the freest de facto people of the world, and promising de facto freedom in France, were among the most notable sights of the Exposition.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998