The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  THE FAVORED SWAIN - This oil painting by Frederick Morgan, of London, was hung in Gallery 18, British Section, at the south side of the entrance to Gallery 17, in the Art Palace at Jackson Park. It represents a field of oats, near the borders of a pond, out of which two mating ducks have climbed. The great oat-stack grows as the men on its crest lay their increasing circles of sheaves, and tramp them down into water-proof form. The wagon-load of sheaves looks small beside the growing stack. The man on the highest point pauses in an attitude of surprise. The lad beside the parents sees something that announces his defeat. The ducks take a sly look themselves, and the old folks express their feelings to the young fellow, who points dismally at the spectacle in the distance. This spectacle is Love, probably in its earliest chapter, yet all unconscious of the surrounding interest and excitement which it causes even during the critical hours of harvest. The face of the girl is painted with a master's hand, and the solemnity of a maiden's trust is depicted on her features. He is, indeed, the favored swain, but he will marry a wife of resolute mould. It is a pleasant scene, and unremitting toil has left only the maiden fair among them.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998