The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  THE PORTAL OF ST. GILLES - In the Trocadero collection of architectural casts, alcove 85, Art Palace , placed as is seen in the engraving, was a large reproduction of the central portal and part of the west front of the Abbatial Church of St. Gilles at Gard, France, carved in stone in the twelfth century. The typanum is now partly destroyed. It originally contained a central bas-relief surrounded by the symbolical animals of the Evangelists. This facade and portal secure a highly ornate effect through the treatment of long and short columns and pilasters, the shorter pillars standing in pairs on sculptured pedestals; the shorter pilasters separating panels or niches where Apostles stand. In the arcade, at each side, are two draped Apostles with halos, standing on lions that devour men and animals. Above this work is the sculptured frieze, a laborious design, with the money-changers fleeing from the temple on the left, the resurrection of Lazarus, and the Saviour prophesying Peter's denial; on the lintel is the last supper; to the right are Peter and Malchus, the kiss of Judas, the Saviour before Pontius Pilate, and the flagellation. This, in fine, is the history of the holy passion. In the iconography of the Church, the people, who could not read, here beheld the sacred recitals of the gospel. We may imagine how joyously the masses gathered before this storied church, and studied these holy sculptures.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998