The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  STATUES ON MACHINERY HALL - The statues on the pediments of Machinery Hall were notable for their grace and beauty, being in nearly all cases the figures of women. The angels on the spires were less becoming, while probably the most daring examples of modern architectural display. Mr. M. A. Waagen modeled the figure called "Victory, " of which thirteen casts were made in copper by W. H. Mullins, of Salem, Ohio, and Robert Kraus made a second "Victory," of which the same founder cast four copper replicas. These were the angels that defied the southwest gales of the Windy City, and not a single statue blew off. The female figures for the pediments were by Mr. Waagen, and were modeled by Mr. Waagen in the spring of 1892, in the Forestry Building. They represented ten of the Sciences, and were thirteen feet high. "The making of a thirteen-foot angel," wrote Paul Hull at the time, "who will look as graceful and airy as a hundred-pound girl, is about as poetic a task as the mining of a ton of coal. Her limbs are made of two-by-four scantlings; her spinal column is a wrought iron rod. Her bosom and head are made of broken pieces of lath, and her wings are steel netting. Hereafter, the main factors in the creation of a beautiful plaster goddess are a common kitchen dishpan and an every-day wood-shed hatchet." The creation of heroic statuary at Jackson Park in the winter of 1892 and 1893 was on a scale probably never before undertaken, and any but the most rapid methods must have completely failed.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998