The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  THE GERMAN FOUNTAIN - In the old willow copse of Jackson Park, the architects of the German Building, Herren, Fiedler and Radke, placed the beautiful bronze fountain which is reproduced in the first of the above engravings. The work is singular in that the figure at the summit holds up a light, to illuminate the shadowy region at night. The Germans excel in this line of metal castings, and made many similar exhibits in the Manufactures Building, beside bringing to America the finest example of iron gates ever wrought into shape.

REAR VIEW OF THE BARGE OF STATE - The possessors of our album, and students of sculpture, may here obtain another valuable view of MacMonnies' methods in handling his Barge of State - probably one of the most ambitious pieces that have been attempted in modern times. It will be seen that Father Time, the pilot, has lashed his scythe to the helm, and that his posture could not be improved. The wonderful oaring maidens are here caught in a most felicitous view, and it may certainly be said that nothing remained to have made the fame of MacMonnies sublime but a more fulfilling summit to the structure. The herald in front, with her long pipe, the maidens at the sides, the pilot, the familiar surroundings and establishment, were beyond criticism, and as the Columbian Fountain was but tentative, we may yet look for its perfection in bronze by its gifted creator.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998