beautiful and wonderful view before us includes the small building of
the White Star Steamship Company, the Japanese
Ho-o-den on the
island, the corner of the Government, and the
vast Manufactures
Building, the largest edifice on earth. In the foreground may also
be seen the beautiful Elk's Bridge, and the electric launches gliding
along on the smooth waters of the lagoon. We have not previously
given the history of the White Star concession - for such it was, as
all the other ocean steamship lines were compelled to display their
models in the Transportation Building. The
structure was circular,
with a veranda which was noticeable because the pillars were wound
with rope, and the rings above and below were life-preservers. The
object of this exhibit was to wean landsmen from their fear of the
tempest-tossed seas, and to enlarge their ideas of the size of a
state-room on an ocean steamer. Among the shrewd agents looking
earliest for space on the grounds was Nils Anderson, the Chicago
representative of this interest, and in February, 1894, Ismay, Imrie
& Co., managers of the business, gave him a finely-inscribed gold
watch and case, testifying their satisfaction, and acknowledging the
advantages they had enjoyed through his early action, for there were
larger, better and more instructive exhibits of the same kind in the
Transportation Building - especially the Inman Line's full-sized
section of a steamship, a display never before attempted, except at
the Battleship Illinois. |