| A REMARKABLE PORTAL - "Have you seen that
Golden Doorway?" was a question more often asked than any other by
people, who, immediately after the opening of the Fair, were
discussing its attractions. The impressiveness and importance of
this elaborate conception of Architects Adler and Sullivan grew apace
as time went on, until all eyes were turned toward the eastern facade
of the Transportation Building as toward
the rising sun. The Golden Doorway was so much admired, and its
architectural details and traceries were so rich and intricate, that
the above engraving, bringing clearly to view its rich geometrical
effects, foliations, tablets and bas-reliefs, is thought to be well
worth a place in this series. This engraving, with the one shown in
former numbers, will afford the student of art and architecture a
fine opportunity to carefully study a creation upon which so much
time and thought and expense were lavished. The first of these
engravings represent the entire portal; the second is devoted to the
details of the lateral treatment, plainly
showing the bas-relief which the Sculptor Boyle designed and executed
for the work. The view before us discloses the details of the
Doorway proper, with the quotations by Bacon and Macaulay, read by
the millions of people while contemplating the gorgeous setting of
the words, and thus it will be seen that a treatment of the subject,
both in general and in detail, has been wisely afforded. |