The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  READY FOR THE GARDEN PARTY - Entering the East Pavilion of the Art Palace from the south, and turning at once to the left, the visitor found himself in Gallery 54 of the French Section. On the west wall hung the lively picture of a young and beautiful French girl, painted by Jules Machord, of Paris. One might easily believe an artist was winning his way into the heart of the damsel by the enthusiasm with which the fresh and happy spirit of the subject has been caught, for surely a picture at a less animated moment would have involved less labor. The photograph does not always perfectly portray the effect gained by the artist, but closer observation in this particular instance will establish the lines of the visage, which in the oil painting were exquisite.

PORTRAIT OF MADEMOISELLE DARLAUD - If the visitor were standing before the Vermont Building, and crossed directly to the East Pavilion of the Art Palace, he came at once into Gallery 45, French Section, and on the south wall, opposite, was a portrait in oil of the beautiful woman which is portrayed at our right. It was the work of Andre Brouillet, of Paris, and presented, with all the skill of art, the charms of perfect womanhood. These paintings may be instinctively compared, and in the boasts which all nations make regarding their women, France will not remain unheard so long as her faithful sons shall thus wield the pencil of genius.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998