| DETAILS OF THE FISHERIES ARCADE - The Fisheries Building, which was erected by
Henry Ives Cobb, architect, of Chicago, was not only a distinct
creation among all types of human construction, but in its details it
was equally peculiar, original and beautiful.. A riduculous example of
the inertness of mere mechanical skill is to be noted in the picture
before us. The architect, having invented the manner of treating his
capital and column, as to decoration, made that treatment plain, as he
supposed, and where more iteration remained to be performed, he left
the mechanic to fill in with frogs, reeds, or serpents, as the pattern
might require. Because the column of tortoises, for instance, showed
what remained to be done, he left his plan blank when weary of
repeating the device. Now the mechanic supposed that the architect
wanted the lower parts of the pillars to be plain; yet the mechanic
did not note that no two of the pillars agreed with each other as to
the place of stoppage. Following the plans scrupulously, the odd
result which is here seen was attained, but the architect had expected
that the frogs and eels and urchins would deck the pillars from
capital to base. These capitals are well worthy of study, for a
greater wealth of detail in the effigies of living creatures was never
lavished on an architectural work. Myriads of serpents and fishes are
outlines, and the treatment of reeds and "cattails" is especially
happy. |