The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
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  THE OVERTHROW - This painting by Rosa Bonheur, was exhibited in the French section of the Art Palace, and is possibly also called "Cows and Sheep in a Narrow Road." It is one of the works which placed its author at the head of the woman painters of her time, and takes rank with her "Horse Fair" and "Three Musketeers." Rosa Bonheur, whose great fame rests on her success in portraying the domestic animals, was born at Bordeaux, France, in 1822, and was the pupil of her father, who taught all of his three children, Rosa, Auguste, and Isidore, the sculptor, how to become famous. At an early age, like Kemeys and Proctor, whose works adorned the bridges of Jackson Park, Rosa learned that the animals themselves were the only models that the true artist needed. Against the art-canons of her day, she labored to outline the uncomely cattle of France as they appeared in nature, and although the critics might be slow to praise her, the people were as swift to express their pleasure. Thereupon, as is usual, the Supreme Court of Criticism reviewed its rulings, reversed its decision, and in 1850, crowned her painting of "The Nivernais Ploughing" with the full approval of the world of art. This painting, her masterpiece, now hangs in the gallery of the Luxembourg, in the southern part of Paris. The paintings of Rosa Bonheur are French. She is not a Raphael; her cattle are not universal cattle, but French cattle.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998