The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  ON THE YACHT NAMOUNA - A painting by Jules Stewart, exhibited in the United States section, and loaned by Mrs. Henry P. Borie, of Philadelphia. The extraordinary increase of wealth in English-speaking countries with its accompanying activity in ocean commerce, has given rise, during the present century, and particularly toward its close, to the sport, science and pastime of yachting, perhaps the most costly diversion which peoples or nations ever indulged. It is said that $50,000 a year, as the expense of keeping a fine yacht, is now a common item in the personal accounts of the millionaires; and in the race for social eminence and the formation of exclusive coteries, certainly the yacht is an effective measurement of both financial ability and docility and loyalty to the conventions of fashion One of two things is probable, if we consider the party of men and women who while away the summer hours on this yacht Namouna. Either they did not earn the money which is here being spent at the rate of a thousand dollars a week, or, if they did earn it, there is a certain martyrdom in the ennui of fashionably spending it. We cannot imagine Peter Girard, John Jacob Astor, and Cornelius Vanderbilt, the Commodore, thus using the time which made their lives so valuable to them. But the second or third generation finds the method satisfactory. The elite of Great Britain possess 3,000 of these yachts, and America over 1,200; there are a half dozen annual publications which record their history.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998