The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  THE OSTRICHES - On the northern side of Midway Plaisance, far beyond the Ferris Wheel, beyond Old Vienna, and in that region which appeared to hurry outgoing visitors toward the exits, was the inclosure in which a learned lecturer, standing among a company of twenty-three full-grown Californian ostriches, expatiated on the habits of his great birds with undiminishing success. His solemn statements concerning the high development of female rights in ostrich communities were a never-ending source of satisfaction to the ladies and a matter of profound astonishment to all husbands. The self-forgetfulness of Ostrich, the pater familias, in building the nest, obtaining food, setting on the eggs a stretch of sixteen hours, while the mother sets but eight, and other subjugations of the male were recounted with a fidelity which was deemed to be dangerously near to treachery by all prudent men. The trot of the ostrich is perhaps the most ridiculous motion made by any living creature, for it is accompanied by a seemingly dainty attempt to be graceful, and the visitors were always eager to see the flock go from one end of the grounds to the other showing their plumes. Many of the birds were named after famous men - Jim Blaine, General Grant, Old Abe, Grover Cleveland - and one, seen at the left, had his neck mended in a way that left it crooked laterally. It cost but ten cents to see these wonderful birds, and learn their history.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998