position of this remarkable portal may be ascertained by reference to the
picture of the Transportation Building
itself, on another page of this volume, and in a study of
these shining arches it is necessary to know that the structure which they
adorn has been purposely made severe in aspect, in order that by contrast
this central feature might gain the greater distinction. The architects
of the building have called its vari-colored effects "Wagnerian," and we
may accept their ideas so far as to name this entrance the wedding-march
of a "Lohengrin" - in other words, an unquestionably beautiful feature in
an ensemble that is purposely devoid of entertainment and delight. It may
be inferred that the architects, in producing these rich geometrical
effects, were inspired by Wagner's music. But whether there be or be not
any practical relation between music and decoration, the people gave the
seal of approval to the "Golden Doorway
" - which was rather silvern than golden - and Wagnerians
who spoke in riddles, and the masses, who used shorter words, alike
admired and praised the work. In its essence it is Asian, relieved by the
beautiful tablets, or bas reliefs of John J. Boyle, the sculptor, which
give, on either side, a touch of free art to the circles and foliations of
the Orient. Quotations from Bacon and Macauly are inscribed over the
doorway. The gilding was done experimentally, and occupied many months,
with prodigious expense. |