Badlam, A., treasurer of Midwinter Fair, 976.
Bailey, C. P., premiums awarded to, 621.
Baird, Professor, his classification of exhibits, etc. 107.
Baker, A. C., superintendent of marine division, etc. 604-5.
Baker, Sir B., his model of railroad bridge, 564.
Baker, W. T., a promoter of the Columbian Exposition, 41, 46-7.
Balke-Collender Company, exhibits,
Ball, Mrs. J. F., lady manager, etc.
Baldwin Locomotive Works, engines, 551-2,
Ballinasloe, fairs at, 8.
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, exhibits, etc. 547-51.
Bancroft Library, description of the, 980-3.
Banjos, exhibits of, 231.
Barber Asphalt Company, exhibit, 508.
Barbour, Mrs., concerts arranged by, 967.
Barcelona, exhibits in Manufactures department, 215.
Barnes, Grand Chancellor, Knights of Pythias celebration, 970.
Barnes, W. H. L., connection with Midwinter Fair, 976.
Bates, Mary C., decorator, California building, 833.
Bavaria, manufactures exhibits, 198-200;
German village, 858.
Bay City Industrial Works, exhibit, 604.
Beale, Mrs. L. P., member of Va. board, 800.
Bean, T. H., manager of fisheries section, 134.
Beaucaire, fairs at, 13.
Beauvais Tapestries, exhibits of, 188.
Beck, J. M., speech on Pa. day, 777.
Bedouin Camp, 877, 880.
Beer, Ale, Porter, etc. see Liquors, Malt.
fairs and expositions in, 19-20;
manufactures exhibits, 207-9;
liberal arts, 250;
woman's department, 282;
machinery, 338;
horticultural, 434, 447-9;
fine arts, 694, 735.
Bell, A. G., first telephone made by, 413.
Beloit Iron Works, exhibit, 323.
Belting, exhibits of, 419.
Beman, S. S., architect of Mines building, 901.
Bengal Chamber of Commerce, exhibit, 901.
Bennett, J. G., founder of commercial cable company, 420.
Bergbau, exhibit in Transportation department, 567.
Bergen, fisheries exhibit, 526-7.
exhibition of drawing implements at, 1870, 18;
machinery exhibits, 331-2;
electrical, 413-14;
mining, 489;
Berlin Museum, relics from, 861.
Berry, F. G., director of Midwinter Fair, 976.
Bethlehem Iron Company, exhibit, 600.
Bicycles, display of, 577-8, 581-2.
Bicycle Electric Cars, exhibit of, 570.
Billiard Tables, exhibit of, 183, 217.
Birkhoff, G., Netherlands day, 919.
Birmingham, exposition at, 8.
Bismarck, mementos of, 888.
Blake, E., speech on Irish day, 895.
Blalock, N. G., Washington day, 828.
Blarney Castle, reproduction of, 838.
Blodgett, E. A., Grand Army day, 969.
Blooker Cocoa Company, exhibit, 397.
Board of Lady Managers,
authorized by congress, 42;
powers, functions, operations, etc., 69-74;
children's home established by, 291, 297;
presentation of woman's work, etc. 300-2.
Board of Reference and Control, organization and functions, 45,69.
manufactures exhibits, 203-5;
woman's department, 274;
celebration day, 919.
Boies, Gov., speech on Ia. day, 833.
Bolivia, mining exhibits, 497.
Bolton, H. W., odd-fellows' celebration, 969.
Bonet Electric Tower, at Midwinter Fair, 976.
Bonfield, J., chief of Exposition police, 974.
Bonney, C. C.,
-participation in congresses, 70, 922, 925,
930, 932-3,
939, 948,
953, 955.
Boone & Crockett Club, hunters' camp, 449-40.?
Boone's Wild Animal Arena, at Midwinter Fair, 992.
international exposition at, 1883, 27;
celebration of Columbian anniversary, 98;
exhibits of musical instruments, 232;
machinery, 327;
electrical apparatus, 418;
fisheries, etc. 515-17;
bicycles, etc. 582;
fine arts, 673-4, 678-90;
architectural designs, 689;
Bourquin, A., premiums, 621.
Bovril Company, exhibit, 364.
Boyd, J., Jersey stock, 396.
Bradford Printing-press original of the, 1693, 324.
Bradley, W. O., oration, Ky. dedication day, 793.
participation in naval review, 93-4;
exhibits of manufactures, 216;
woman's department, 282;
machinery, 338;
agriculture, 376;
forest products, 463;
minerals, 497;
fisheries, 539;
transportation, 577;
archaeology, 637;
natural history, 651-3;
fine arts, 718, 917-8;
government building and contents, 917-8.
Brazilian day, 920.
Brazilian Concert Hall, 880.
Brinton, Mrs., log cabin, etc, 840.
British Building and exhibits, see Victoria House.
British Carriage Manufactures Institute, collection of paintings, etc.
British Columbia
exhibit of fruits, 443;
forest products, 461;
minerals, 492;
fisheries, 529-32;
ethnology, 663;
British Guiana
agricultural exhibits, 378-9;
ethnological collection etc. 637-8;
British North Borneo Company exhibit of tobacco etc. 364.
French, 188-90;
German, 200;
Austrian, 203;
Russian, 209;
Argentinean, 217;
Mexican, 218;
Japanese, 222-3;
Italian, 764.
Brookfield Stud Farm, model etc. of 364-5.
Brooks Locomotive Works, exhibit, 561.
Brown, A. P., Midwinter Fair architect, 978.
Brown, Gov. F., speech on R. I. day etc. 782,
Brown, G. E., premiums, 617.
Brown, H. F., exhibit of shorthorns etc. 620.
Brown, J., Kan. day, 833.
Brown, J. Y., Ky. dedication day, 793.
Brussels, expositions at, 20.
Bryan, T. B., a promoter of the Columbian Exposition etc. 39-41,
70, 920,
Buchanan, W. I., chief of Agricultural department etc. 617, 619,
833, 953-4.
Buchanan, Mrs. W. I., model designed by, 277.
Buford, A. S, president Va. board etc. 787,
Bulgaria, exhibits in Manufactures department, 218.
Bulkeley, Gov., dedication parade, 87.
Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, member of English committee etc. 72-73.
Bureau of Public Comfort, operations of the, 81, 85.
Burgess Bros., exhibit of horses etc. 616.
Burke, ex-Gov., N. D. day, 833.
Burleigh, H. C., Me. dedication day, 787.
Burnham, D. H., chief of construction etc. 64-66, 943.
Burrill, T. J., education exhibit, 805.
Business Colleges, exhibits of, 240.
Bustamaule, F. E., Venezuela day, 920.