The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO AND OKLAHOMA - The only joint building on the grounds was erected by the Territories of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma, and stood in the rear of the Pennsylvania Building, on the cross avenue leading to the northern circle of commonwealths. It presented a long and attractive porch, and invited attention with its remarkable display of cacti, which may be studied in the engraving. The pyramid behind the gigantic cactus on the left was even more noteworthy than the similar beds of prickly plants in Horticultural Hall. The width of the joint building was ninety by forty feet, and it was two stories high, with a superstructure that supported a tent-cloth in warm weather. The architect was Seymour Davis, of Topeka, Kansas, the designer of the Kansas Building. Here Oklahoma exhibited her grasses, grains and fruits with all the ingenuity shown at her pavilion in the Agricultural Building. The minerals of Arizona excited admiration, as they had done in the petrified trees on Columbia Avenue in the Manufactures Building. The handicraft of the Indians, such as Navajo blankets, Moqui water-baskets, Apache whips and other braided work, recalled the same curious things in the Government Building. New Mexico, beside her gold and silver, her fruits and wines, afforded to visitors an opportunity to study the gold and silver filagree work which makes the sombrero a fortune to its wearer. The public were much pleased with the patriotic efforts of the three Territories.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998