The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  VENEZUELA'S BUILDING - West of the main pavilion of the Fisheries, on a grand avenue, and in line with Brazil, Turkey, Sweden and Hayti, stood the triple pavilion of the Republic of Venezuela. Like Brazil, Venezuela had a civil war, yet no sooner was President Crispo secure in office, and President Palacio overthrown, than a committee of distinguished citizens raised the necessary funds and placed their affairs in charge of Mr. J. M. Larral_e and Dr. M. U. Toledo, two citizens of Venezuela living in the United States. Suitable exhibits were collected and shipped, and the building was opened as soon as the others, for all were desperately late, owing to the inclemency of the weather. The engraving shows the statue of General Bolivar which surmounted the east pavilion; on the western one, behind the foliage, was a companion effigy showing Christopher Columbus. The flag carried by Pizarro during his siege on the rocks, and in his conquest of Peru, was on exhibition, and was a curio that held thousands of scholars spell-bound with memories of the adventurer's remarkable life. Prehistoric relics of still greater value (were their mysterious origin known), specimens of birds and animals, minerals, spices, preserves, fine needlework, products of the native looms, coffee, and vegetables, with many paintings, made up the contents of the interior. The dimensions were thirty-six by seventy-eight feet, and the cost $20,000. All the South American buildings were very attractive.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998