The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  THE PICTURESQUE WIND MILLS - We have before us the world's wind-mills. The spectacle which they presented on the windy days for which Chicago is famous was indeed charming to the eye. Nor was the scene within one of the larger houses less interesting. In fact, no person unacquainted with the uses of the wind on land could fail to be astonished in seeing a great room alive with machinery, and dozens of cunning workmen and artisans busy at machines of every kind. Here a force-pump heaved its waters to all parts of the farm; a lathe turned the implements of wood; a sheller separated the corn from its cob; a grindstone turned its wearying evolutions; a fanning-mill rattled; a sewing-machine hummed; a cutter rocked the feed in pieces; these and other appurtenances of labor-saving toil were all in operation at once, moved by the great river of air, free to the millionaire or the small farmer alike. The exhibitors of wind-mills could not have been more fortunate had they selected their own site for the Exposition, for probably no other great city has as many windy days as Chicago. The exhibit bordered the pond south of the Agricultural Building, and even the old Dutch style may be seen represented in the group. Each manufacturer claimed some superiority; here a wheel could open to get more wind or shut against too much; one would go swiftly in the lightest breeze; another would work slowly in a hurricane. The visitor listened respectfully, but he loved better to stand at a distance and see the sun glint at a thousand angles.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998