The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  THE RUINS OF UXMAL - Probably the most remarkable ruins in the world stand in Central America, and, perhaps, principally in Yucatan. Often buried under the luxuriant growth of tropical forests, these ancient palaces and temples, when uncovered or exhumed, expose a vast area of inscriptive sculpture, little or none of which is as yet legible to the scholarship of modern times. The Aztec calendar has given some import to hieroglyphs that were a part of the Maya calendar, but it remains that a people lived in Central America who were advanced in arts and ceremonies that were Egyptian and Phoenician, and yet not one written thing is known about them, although thousands of their pictures and monuments remain, having been erected in the belief that language inscribed on rocks could not perish. The first book on this great subject was written by Stevens, in two volumes, and is now rare, but its pictures have been copied into many subsequent books of Americana. At the inception of the exposition, Edward H. Thompson, United States Consul to Yucatan, under direction of Chief Putnam, of the Ethnological Department, went into the jungles of Uxmal, Labua, and Copan, and at the risk of death by fever, made papier-mache molds of many of the tablets and ruins of the region. Cast into staff in Jackson Park, and garnished with tropical plants, these reproductions offered to the people of America their first opportunity for profound study. The tablets were shown in the Anthropological Building. No doubt the reading of the alphabet will follow as a direct result.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998