The Dream City, Paul V. Galvin 
Digital History Collection
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  NEW HAMPSHIRE IN AGRICULTURAL HALL - The pavilion of New Hampshire in the Agricultural Buiding was south of the main east and west aisle, and resembled the State Building in the simplicity of its architectural effects. Visitors learned of New Hampshire that it is considered by its sons and daughters to be the Switzerland of America, an inviting place for summer visitors, and a land of liberty. The chief object of interest at this display, and one that drew sight-seers to the entire Agricultural Building, was a large wooden plow, on which was the sign: "This plow was made by Daniel Webster, and was used by him on his Marshfield estate." In the case, in the rear of the house, were shelves of maple syrup, and scattered about in the outer area were rustic benches, an ancient churn, and a spinning-wheel such as became the emblems of matronly economy, loyalty and industry in the homes of the young nation. There is, perhaps, more satisfaction in the study which a picture offers than in beholding with a casual eye the medley of incongrous structures reared by sovereign and oft-times willful States in close proximity with each other. Again, the camera sees all - it looks steadily - leaving the reminiscent eye to fill its owner with regret that he did not examine with more care when he had the opportunity. The State officers at the Fair were Charles H. Amsden, of Penacook, President; George F. Page, of Concord, Vice-President; Thomas J. Walker, of Plymouth, Secretary; Frank M. Rollins, of Manchester, Treasurer; and Elijah M. Shaw, of Nashua, Executive Commissioner.
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Copyright, Paul V. Galvin Library
Digital History Collection
Page created: August 26, 1998