Aivazovsky, Ivan C. Arrival of Columbus' Flotilla
Alchimowicz, K. . Milda
Ashnazy, Isaak Lvovitch The Parents of Moses
Bartlett, Paul The Ghost Dance
Benner, Emmanuel . The Alarm
Bodarefsky, Nicolay K. A Wedding in Little Russia
Bouguereau, W. A. The Wasps' Nest
Bourgonnier, Claude The Temptation
Boutet-De-Monvel, M. . Salome
Bridgman, F. A. Day Dreams
Cain, Georges J. A. A Barricade of 1830
Clairin, G. Venice in the Last Century
Clarke, Thomas Shields . A Gondola Girl
Clarke, Thomas Shields . Night Market in Morocco
Collin, Raphael . On the Sea Shore
Couse, Eanger I. . Milking Time
Cox, Mrs. Louise K. . Rondel
Cox, Kenyon . Diana
Dannat, William T. Spanish Women
Debat-Ponsan, E. B. Noon
Delance, Paul-Louis . Decorative Panel: Water
Delort, C. E. The Recruiting Sergeant
Dmitrieff-Orenbursky, N. D. . Sunday in a Village 61
Donoghue, John . Kypros
Debufe, G.fils . La Fourmi
Farny, Henry F. . "Got Him!"
Flameng, Francois Target Practice, 1795
Frappa, Jose The Return of the Missionary
French, Daniel C. The Angel of Death and the Sculptor
Gardiner, Elizabeth . Soap Bubbles
Gilbert, Victor-Gabriel . The Horoscope
Golinsky, Vasily A. . Mushroom Gatherers Resting
Gutherz, Carl .. Temptation of St. Anthony
Hassam, Childe The Rain
Howe, William H. Norman Bull
Jacoby, Valerian Ivanovitch Carnival, XVIII Century
Jasinsky, L. . Holiday Divine Service
Kivshenko, Alexey D. A Wolf Captured Alive
Kivshenko, Alexey D. . At the Crater of Lediasi
Kivshenko, Alexey D. Council of War, Phily - 1812
Korovin, Constantine .. Spanish Women 66
Kovalevsky, Pavel Osipovitch . Excavations in Rome, 1877
Laugee, George . In the Springtime of Life
Laurens, Jean-Paul The Seven Troubadours
Leigh, William R. . A New Acquaintance
Lemaire, Madeleine . The Fairies' Chariot
Litovtchenko, Alexander D. .. Favorite Falcons of the Czar
Luminais, E. V. . Huntsmen of XVI Century
Machard, Jules . Garden Party
Makovsky, Constantin E. Attiring the Bride
Makovsky, Vladimir E. .. Smokers in Little Russia
Makovsky, Vladimir E. The Wayfarer
Marold, L. . Art Presented to America
Marold, L. . Printing 3
Meissonier, J. L. E. .. Statuette of Marshal Duroc
Miesoildoff, Gregorie G. .. The Harvest 53
Moore, H. Humphrey . Japanese Musicians
Moreau-De-Tours, Georges .. Morphiamania
Motte, Henri-Paul The 10th of August, 1792
Moutte, Alphonse . In the Sunshine
Nichols, Rhoda Holmes The Scarlet Letter
Nourse, Elizabeth . Good Friday in Rome
Partridge, William O. . Alexander Hamilton
Pasternac, Leonid . Returning Home
Perov, Vasily Grigorievitch Pugatchov, the false Czar
Picknell, William L. . Sunday in New England
Piotrowski, A. Winter Morning
Robbins, L. Lee . Before the Looking-Glass
Roll, Alfred-Philippe Women on the Grass
Ronot, Charles The Dead in the Other World
Roy, Marius Zouaves and Foot Soldiers
Sargent, John S. Egyptian Girl
Sewell, Amanda Brewster Sappho
Siemiradsky, Henry H. Phryne
Tetmayer, W. The Wedding
Thirion, E. R. . Cupid and Psyche
Toaspern, Otto Music
Turner, C. Y. Courtship of Miles Standish
Van Trump, Miss R. N. Portrait - Miniature on Ivory
Venig, Karl Bogdanovitch A Russian Girl
Vimont, Edward The Death of Archimedes
Weeks, Edwin Lord Three Beggars of Cordova
Zagorsky, Nicolay P. At Breakfast
Zmurko, F. The Feudal Law