GEORGE R. DAVIS From Photo-Cliche by M.
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"The World's Columbian Exposition was officially created by act of Congress, April 25, 1890, and the
President's proclamation, inviting the world to come to it, was dated the day before Christmas of that year. In September, Mr. George R. Davis, of Illinois, was elected Driector-General, and maintained this arduous position until the close of the Fair, to the success of which he had so very materially contributed. At the very outset of his labors he established the general administration of the Exposition on broad and national grounds, by dividing it into fifteen departments, and placing at the head of each men whose reputations and abilities were such as to insure success. It was to this spirit animating the whole administration of this great enterprise that was due the admirable absence of sectarian jealousies and rivalries throughout its duration." - "Art & Architecture (The White City Edition)