SUNSET From Roof of Manufactures
Building Painted by Andre Castaigne for "Art and
Architecture." Facsimile-TypogravureLarger images: 750x500
pixels or 1500x1000 pixels

"M. Andre Castaigne - whose knowledge of the Exposition grounds, at all hours and in all seasons, is probably greater than that of any other artist who has devoted himself to illustrating them, and who, moreover, has brought to this task an almost unexampled talent - has here shown us a novel bird's-eye view, looking westward, at the golden hour of sunset. Below us are a few of the long row of bannarets that flaunt along the interminable roof of the great Manufactures Building, beyond are seen the pleasant paths and copses of the Wooded Isle, the dome and the long south wing of the Horticultural palace, the unlovely edges of the Chicago suburbs now veiled in haze and distance, and beyond, on the horizon, the great oval of the Ferris Wheel. Overhead, two intrepid voyagers commit themselves to the hazards of the pathless air, content to wave adieu to the heedless saunters below, ere they disappear from sight in the sunset sky." - Art & Architecture (The White City Edition)